
The Announcement Post - finally :)

Yes, it took quite awhile to update the blog! But with Facebook, Cam's website and the iPhone, who needs the baby blog? LOL. So, the long-awaited announcement blog posting is here!

Our blizzard baby, Cassian Paul, was born on Saturday December 19th at 9:09 PM, weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces and measuring 21 inches long. Cass was born during the worst blizzard to hit the DC area in over 25 years. We received 20 inches of snow, and our hospital staff were snowed in for three days! Way to make an entrance kiddo :)

We are so blessed to have a healthy, happy, beautiful new son. My Mom and Cameron's Mom were present for the labor (3 days!) and delivery of their grandson. I can't thank you both enough for your support and encouragement during labor. It was the most demanding thing I have ever done, and I couldn't have succeeded without you and Cameron by my side.

Everyone tells you that having a baby will change you in ways that you can't even imagine. At the time, even when pregnant, you listen and take note, but a small part of you also thinks..."that's the corniest thing I've ever heard". And yet...it's all true. The immediate surge of pure love you feel for your child; the moment you realize you'd do anything to protect him; the way you feel like a superhero because you're "Mom" or "Dad"; the increased intensity of every emotion in the human spectrum...all of these things happen, and we have been forever changed. We are so excited to share our lives with Cassian...2010 is going to be the best year yet!

With Mama, just a few minutes old.

Getting the Apgar Test

The morning after...snuggling in bed.

BIG yawn.

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