
Looooong time, not post

I will apologize in advance that there are no pictures today! I'll get some up sooner than later, promise, promise.

All is progressing well in baby world. I am now 36 weeks along and at last count measured over 48" around the belly. That's right my friends - I'm wider than a child is tall. We have been having periodic ultrasounds to monitor baby and as of two weeks ago he measured 5.5 pounds. My doctor has also proclaimed that I'm "all-baby, all-belly", so we're gearing up for a big boy! I will be full-term (37 weeks) next Sunday, and I can feeeeeeeeeel it. I'm now having regular braxton-hicks contractions, and so getting a bit of a preview of labor. Although, I'm not sure who's more terrified of labor, me or Cameron. He gets quite pale every time we bring it up :)

A few weeks ago we had a beautiful, fantastic baby shower with tons of loved ones in New Jersey. Baby Cass was inundated with toys, clothes, swaddlers, books, blankets and loads more goodies that we're sure to use to death upon his arrival. Cameron and I are so very, very lucky to be loved by so many wonderful people. We had a GREAT time and were thrilled to see everyone! Thank you all again for your love, support and generosity. We are truly blessed with the best friends and family the world could possibly bestow.

This week's projects include finalizing pre-admission for the hospital (Innova Fairfax, a GREAT facility!), installing the car seat and packing bags for the hospital. Cameron put together our beautiful crib a few weeks ago, while I stocked the nursery with receiving blankets galore and packed Cass's dresser with teeny, tiny outfits. Grandpa Esposti has purchased enough wipes to last through Armageddon, and word on the street has it that he is planning to buy Costco out of diapers as well. It seems as though we are armed and prepared for baby's arrival!

It's now just a matter of playing the waiting game. I'm seeing the doctor weekly now, and will try and chime in with an update later in the week as to what she thinks regarding timing. We're (not surprisingly) hoping he comes juuuust a little early. We can hardly believe that he's almost here...just a few more weeks and we shall graduate into the world of "parenthood"...and we can't hardly wait :)

All our love,
Dan and Cam

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're almost ready! :) Can't wait to meet the little one!
