
Pregnancy loves me...pregnany loves me not...

((sigh))...pregnancy doesn't like me :(

My feet are the size of cantaloupes and my butt could smother half of Texas. The little one also appears to be sitting on my sciatic nerve, which is. not. fun. The best part of my day is trying not to burp from indigestion while on the phone with a client - and the worst is when sometimes I do! And I swear, the scale MUST be lying to me - there is NO WAY those are numbers are correct...

Along those lines, I have a bone to pick with modern pregnancy book authors - your nomenclature needs revision, because I can guarantee you that "we" are not pregnant. I demand a reprint!

Okay, okay Cam - just kidding...kinda ;)

And yet, despite the aches and pains in places I never even fathomed to exist (not to mention that these places actually have nerve endings), I'm getting more excited every day. Cass moves ALL the time now. I'm starting to detect his patterns of wakefulness and sleep; I can tell the difference between a kick and flip. I have imaginary conversations with him about what to have for lunch (of course HE
always wants pizza and sweet potato fries).

To be truthful, and a bit corny, I've never felt more like a woman before in my entire life. I finally "get" why motherhood not only changes you, but defines you. The last five months have born the most surreal, yet authentic emotions of my life, and I know Cameron feels the same way as well.

I have a looooong road to travel yet - but I have my best friend by my side, Tylenol on the nightstand and a blogful of faithful family and friends to bitch to. I'm well-equipped for the journey ahead :)

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