
First Picture

So, we got our first sonogram where you can actually tell what you are looking at. It's official - we have brought an alien to earth. Note the size of the head, being 40% of the total body mass - def not human (ooh, and check out the dinosaur arms!) What would you expect from us anyway? (Besides beauty, sillies.)


  1. Nothing but the best! And beauty. I commented on this before but it got lost! I can't see the big ole head! just back bone.

  2. Still don't see a big ole head. I will keep staring at it.

  3. I can see it, but I guess that's what I'm paid for! I don't usually see aliens in the office, but in your case I'll make an exception...;)

  4. Awwww how absolutely wonderful. I am so excited for you two! Rick says hi, and you are both missed!
